Sunday, October 25, 2009

Answer Keys to New Concept English Book Translation Exercies

Answer Keys to
New Concept English Book 2 Translation Exercise


Lesson 1

1。这部戏很有趣,但是John 对它不感兴趣。(interesting, interested)
The play was interesting, but John wasn’t interested in it.

Did you enjoy the vacation?

3。我喜欢读你的小说 (novel)。(enjoy)
I enjoyed reading your novel.

4。你得注意拼写(spelling)和语法(grammar)。(pay attention to sth.)
You must pay attention to your spelling and grammar.

5。你有没有听到什么?/ 对不起,我没注意。(pay attention to sth.)
- Did you hear anything?
- Sorry, I did not pay attention.

6。转过身去, 让我看看你的背后。
Turn around and let me look at your back.

This is not your business.

8。她丈夫十分粗鲁。她再也不能忍受他了。(rude, bear, not...any longer)
Her husband is very rude and she can’t bear him any longer.

I will get angry when my children don’t listen to me.

10。他试过好多次,但都失败(fail)了。最后,他只好放弃(give up)。(in the end)
He tried many times but failed each time. In the end, he had to give up.

Lesson 2

Stay here until I come back.

2。我一直(all the time)听别人说起(hear about sb.)她,但直到昨天才见到她。
I heard about her all the time, but didn’t meet her until yesterday.

3。Tim 听到外边有声音。他向窗外看了看,但什么也没看到。
Tim heard something outside. He looked out the window, but didn’t see anything.

4。到该吃晚饭的时间了。It’s time for dinner./ It’s time to have dinner.

5。好漂亮的一幢房子啊!What a beautiful house!

6。他星期天总起得这么晚吗?Does he always get up so late?

7。我正要关门,电话铃响了。是我的朋友 Henry。
I was just going to close the door when the phone rang. It was my friend Henry.

8。请重复一下这个句子。Please repeat this sentence.

I turned off the light and was going to bed. Just then, the door bell rang.

10。这个航班 (flight) 一般 9:30 到达纽约,但昨天它晚点了,直到10:30 才到。
This flight usually arrives at New York at 9:30, but it was late last night. It didn’t arrive until 10:30 p.m.

Lesson 3

The rain spoiled our holiday/vacation.

2。别忘了把剩菜 (leftovers) 放进冰箱。否则 (otherwise) 它们就会变坏。(spoil)
Don’t forget to put the leftovers into the refrigerator. Otherwise they will be spoiled.

3。这样(in this way) 你会宠坏你的孩子的。(spoil)
In this way, you will spoil your children.

The dog doesn’t look very friendly.

Could you pass me the salt?

Every day, hundreds of boats pass the channel.

Time passes quickly.

8。我昨天给你发了个传真(fax), 你收到了吗?(send, receive)
I sent you a fax, did you receive it?

9。到那儿时给我写封短信。(drop a few lines)
Drop me a few lines when you get there.

10。Jack 已经花了一千多块在他那辆旧车上了。(spend)
Jack has spent over one thousand dollars on that old car of his.

We should spend more time with our children.

12。这是一个非常困难的决定。我得想想这件事。(think about sth.)
This is a very difficult decision. I must/have to think about it.

13。你家谁当家?(make the decision)
Who makes decisions in your family? / Who is the boss in your family?

Shall we send her a birthday card?

15。请允许(allow)我给在座的每一位买一杯饮料。(buy sb. sth.)
Please allow me to buy everyone here a drink?

Did he pass the test?

17。你能否帮我一个忙? (do sb. a favor)
Can you do me a favor?

How did you spend your last Christmas?

- What does he teach you?
- He taught us English last year. Now he teaches us computer.

Lesson 4

How many cards did you receive last Christmas?

Have you received the letter I sent you last week?
Or: Did you receive the letter I sent you last week?

3。孩子从工作的母亲(working mother)处得到的关心比从不工作的母亲(non-working mother)那里少得多。(receive)
Children receive much less care from working mothers than from non-working mothers.

I have heard about it.

He has been in America for eight years.

She has just come back from Italy.
Or: She just came back from Italy.

7。Tony 已经去芝加哥(Chicago)了。
Tony has gone to Chicago.

8。Allen 到过北京两次。
Allen has been to Beijing twice.

9。你吃过早饭了没有?/ 吃了。你呢?/ 还没呢。
- Have you had (your) breakfast?
- Yes, I have. How about you?
- Not yet.

10。Albert 在这个律师事务所(law firm)工作了十多年了。
Albert has worked in this law firm for over 10 years.

11。你在这儿等了多久了?/ 大约半小时。你去哪儿了?
- How long have you been waiting here?
- About half an hour. where have you been?

12。你来美国多久了?/ 七年了。/ 来美国后去过那些城市?/ 我去过华盛顿(Washington D.C.),波士顿(Boston),旧金山(San Francisco)和洛杉矶(Los Angeles)。
- How long have you been in America?
- Seven years.
- Which cities have you been to since you came here?
- I have been to Washington D.C., Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

13。Charlie 在吗?/ 不在。他去银行了。/ 什么时候去的?/大约二十分钟前去的。/ 她一回来就叫她到我办公室来。/ 行。
- Is Charlie in?
- No. He is not. He has gone to the bank.
- When did he go?
- About 20 minutes ago.
- Ask him to come to my office as soon as he comes/gets back.

14。Diane 回来了没有?/ 还没呢。/ 他什么时候回来?/ 他要到十二点以后才回来。
- Has Diane come back yet?
- Not yet.
- When will she be back?
- She won’t be back until 12 o’clock.

15。你以前出过国吗?/ 没有。这是我第一次出国。
- Have you been abroad before?
- No, I haven’t. This is my first time to go abroad.

I haven’t written to you for a long time. How is everything with you?
Or: It has been a long time since I wrote to you last.

17。Kathleen 的父母刚从中国回来,给 Kathleen 带来很多她喜欢吃的东西。
Kathleen’s parents have just come back from China. They have brought her many of her favorite foods.

Lesson 5

1。我家和 Robert 家只相隔六个街区远。
My home is only six blocks away from Robert’s home.

2。我们现在不能接你的电话(answer your call), 请留言。
We can’t take ( Or: answer) your call right now. Please leave a message.

3。这种气垫船(hovercraft) 能在半小时内走完香港(Hong Kong)到澳门(Macao)之间的路程。(cover the distance)
This kind of hovercraft can cover the distance between Hong Kong and Macao within half an hour.

4。到目前为止,移民局(INS) 已经收到了十万多份H1签证(visa)的申请(request for...)。
So far INS has received over 100 thousand applications for H1 visa.

This is a rush order. You must send it out right away (Or: immediately). In this way we can get the spare parts by next week.

6。请别挡路。/ 我挡你路了吗?/ 是的。(be in the way/ stand in the way)
- Please don’t stand in my way.
- Am I in your way?
- Yes, you are.

7. Wendy 已经在去你那儿的路上了。十分钟就到你那儿。
Wendy is already on her way to your place and she will get there in 10 minutes.

8。对了,顺便提一下,你的公寓单元里有空房间吗?(by the way, spare)
By the way, do you have a spare room in your apartment?
Or: By the way, do you have a room to spare in your apartment?
Or: By the way, does your apartment have a spare room?

He has two jobs and works 11 hours every day. In this way, he has made enough money to pay his tuition.

10。从某种意义上讲这不是一件坏事(a bad thing)。(in a way)
In a way, this is not a bad thing.

Lesson 6

1.上公共汽车以后,你可以向司机要一张转车票(transfer)。(ask sb. for sth.)
After you get on the bus, you can ask the driver for a transfer.

2.David 正在找一份暑期工作 (summer job ) 因为他不想向他父母要零用钱(pocket money)。
David is looking for a summer job because he doesn’t want to ask his parents for pocket money.

3.有人在敲我们家的门。去看一看 (take a look)。(knock at)
Someone is knocking on our door. Go and take a look.

4。我刚搬进这套公寓单元,这屋里什么也没有。我需要一包糖,一瓶菜油,一包面粉,一打鸡蛋和一些蔬菜。对了,这附近有食品超市或杂货店(grocery store)吗?
I just moved into this apartment. It is empty. I need a pack of sugar, a bottle of vegetable oil, a bag of flour, a dozen of eggs and some vegetables. By the way, is there a supermarket or grocery store around here?

5。你通常在两餐之间吃东西吗?/ 有时吃,有时不吃。/ 你饿时吃什么?/ 我通常喝谁咖啡,吃些小饼干(cookies)。
- Do you usually eat anything between two meals?
- Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
- What do you eat when you are hungry?
- I usually have some coffee and cookies.

6。那个嫌疑犯(suspect)打昏了守卫(guard),逃跑了。(knock out)
The suspect knocked out the guard and ran away.

7。那只猫打翻了我的咖啡,糟蹋了我的图纸(drawing)。我在这张图纸上花了整整一天时间。(knock over)
The cat knocked over my coffee and spoiled my drawing. I spent the whole day on the drawing.

8。Jane 正在找人照顾她的孩子。(look after sb.)
Jane is looking for someone to look after her children.

9。我们在这个宾馆可以免费用餐吗?(have free meals)
只有早餐是免费的。不过午餐和晚餐他们给我们七折优惠。(knock... off the bill)
- Does this hotel provide us with free meals?
- Only breakfast is free, but they knock 30% off the bill for lunch and dinner.

10。为了报答他们的优良服务(service), 我们给了他们每个人 (each of them) 十美元小费 (tips).
In return for his good service, we gave each of them $10 tips.

It is cold today. So put on more clothes.

Where should I put this briefcase?

It’s too hot in the room. Take off your coat.

14。你星期五一般几点下班 (knock off)?
What time do you usually knock off?

Lesson 7

1。John 上星期滑雪时摔断了腿。
John broke his legs last week when he was skiing.

2。Judy 在扫地 (sweep the floor) 时找到了你的戒指 (ring).
Judy found your ring when she was sweeping the floor.

3。Jack 昨天在烧饭时烫伤 (burn) 了右手。
Jack burned his right hand when he was cooking yesterday.

- What were you doing between 8:00 and 8:30 last night? I called you, but nobody answered the phone.
- I don’t remember. Maybe I was watching TV, Or taking a shower.

5。你在等你约的人吗?(expect sb.)
Are you expecting someone?

I was reading when the phone rang.

7。George 正在过(cross)街时,一辆轿车把他撞倒了(knock sb. over)
A car knocked over George when he was crossing the street.

8。我昨天一整天都在等你的电话。你出什么事 (happen)了?为什么没打电话?(all day)

9。我上个星期五见到 Tim了。他告诉我他几天前刚找到一份在洛杉矶一家电脑公司的工作。他说他和他全家将搬到洛杉矶去。
I saw Tim last Friday. He told me that he had just found a job in a computer company in Los Angeles a few days before. He said his family would move to Los Angeles.

10。使她大吃一惊的是,她刚拣到的那只包里装满了一百美元的钞票(bill)。 (To sb's surprise)
To her surprise, the bag she found was full of $100 bills.

Lesson 8

1。我的房间比 Jack 的大,但它比 Jim 的小。Jim 的房间是这幢房子中最大的。Jack 的房间是这幢房子中最小的。
My room is bigger than Jack’s, but it is smaller than Jim’s. Jim’s room is the biggest in this house. Jack’s is the smallest in this house.

2。Wendy 比 Sally 高,但她比 Janet 矮(short)。Janet 是她们三个人中最高的。 Sally 是她们三个人中最矮的。
Wendy is taller than Sally, but she is shorter than Janet. Janet is the tallest of them three. Sally is the shortest of them three.

today is hotter than yesterday. Yesterday was cooler than today.

4。George 比你重 (heavy) 还是比你轻?他比我重 5 磅。
Is George heavier or lighter than you?
He is 5 pounds heavier than me.

I am busy on Monday, but even busier on Friday. Friday is my busiest day of the week.

This story is more interesting than any other stories I have ever heard. It is the most interesting stories I have ever heard.

7。这辆车比那辆车好,但它比那辆车贵得多。那辆车没这辆车好 (not as ... as...),但它比这辆车便宜得多。我没多少钱,只能买最便宜的。
This car is better than that one, but it is much more expensive than that one. That car is not as good as this one, but it is much cheaper than this one. I don’t have much money, so I can only buy the cheapest.

8。John 开车比我开得快。我开得比他慢,比他小心。
John drives much faster than I. I drive more slowly, more carefully than he.

9。Steven 的书比我多,但他的字典比我少。
Steve has more books than I, but he has fewer dictionaries than I.

10。这道题 (problem) 比那道题更简单,更容易。这道题是所有题目中最简单,最容易的。
This problem is simpler, easier than that one. It is the simplest, easiest problem of all the problems.

11。到目前为止还没有人报名参加这个比赛。(enter for ...)
So far, nobody has entered for this contest.

12。我是否需要主任(Director) 的批准才能进入这幢楼?
Do I need the Director’s permission to enter this building?

Lesson 9

1。Mary 每天早上八点离开家,九点开始工作。她总是工作一整天,晚上很晚才到家。
Mary leaves home at 8 o’clock every morning and starts to work at 9:00. She always works for the whole day and gets home very late.

2。John 在哪儿?他去图书馆了,半小时后回来。
Where is John? He has gone to the library and will be back in half an hour.

3。我出生于1988 年6月15日。今年我11岁。David 比我小一岁。明年David 几岁?
I was born on June 15, 1988. I am 11 this year. David is one year younger than I. How old will David be next year?

This store is open from 6 a.m. to 12:00 midnight.
Or: this store opens from 6 a.m. to 12:00 midnight.

- Is there water in this bottle?
- No. There is no water in the bottle.

There’s nobody home. I called home but nobody answered the phone.

7。你上星期天有没有去什么地方?/ 没有。我哪儿都没去。待在家里睡觉了。(anywhere, nowhere)
Did you go anywhere last Sunday?
No. I didn’t go anywhere. I stayed home sleeping.

8。昨天下午当我经过市政厅时,我看到市政厅门口有一大群人。发生了什么事?他们为什么聚集在那儿?/那是UPS的工人们在罢工(on strike)。他们拒绝工作,因为他们的薪水(pay)太低(low)。
- I saw a big crowd in front of the City Hall when I passed there yesterday afternoon. What happened? What were they there for?
- Those were the UPS workers on strike. They refused to work because their pay was too low.

9。新年除夕夜(the New Year's Eve),很多人守夜(stay up)守到时钟敲十二点。这样,他们可以迎接新的一年。(strike, in this way)
On the New Year’s Even this year, many people stayed up until the clock struck 12 o’clock. In this way, they could welcome the new year.

10。我永远也不会忘记我和我妈妈重逢(meet again)的那个时刻(moment)。
I will never forget the moment I met my mother again.

Lesson 10

The fish and the meat must be kept in refrigerator, otherwise they will be spoiled.

2。 这个乐器叫什么?叫羽键琴。可以用它弹爵士乐吗?当然不行。
- What is this musical instrument called?
- It is called a clavichord.
- Can I play Jazz on it?
- Of course not.

3。我母亲的一个朋友正在这里受训练。(receive training)
A friend of my mother’s is receiving training here.

4。参观者不得 碰这里的任何东西。(allow)
Visitors are not allowed to touch anything here.

5。我弟弟看到他的飞机模型 (model plane) 被搞坏了十分震惊。
My younger brother was shocked to see that his model plane was damaged.

If you strike the keys too hard, you will damage the key board.

This bridge was built in 1943. It was designed by an Italian.

8。Betty 的车上个星期被偷了。到现在还没找到。皇后区每年有1000多辆车被偷。
Betty’s car was stolen last week, and it hasn’t been found so far. Over 1000 cars are stolen in Queens every year.

Cars are inspected once a year in New York City.

10。这里的街道每星期扫两次。每周一扫左边(the left side), 周三扫右边。所以,车周一不能停(park)在街左边,周三不能停在街右边。
The streets here are cleaned twice a week. The left side is cleaned every Monday. The right side is cleaned every Wednesday.

11。这本书是一个德国人(German)用德语写(in German)的。它已经被译成 (translate ... into...)了12 种语言。
This book is written by a German in German. It has been translated into 12 languages.

12。她出生在一个穷苦(poor)的家庭, 由祖父母抚养长大(bring up).
She was born in a poor family, and was brought up by her grandparents.

When was telephone invented?

This job must be done by the end of this month. If not, we will be fired.

15。每天,成千吨(ton)的垃圾(garbage)被用卡车(truck)从曼哈顿(Manhattan)运到史泰登岛(Staten Island)。(carry)
Every day, thousands of tons of garbage was trucked from Manhattan to the Staten Island.

16。没有(without) 你的帮助什么也干不成。
Nothing can be done without your help.

17。对不起,这幢房子已经卖出去了。它现在不属于我了。(belong to)
Sorry, this house has been sold out. It doesn’t belong to me any more.

18。贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)的很多桥梁和建筑物在北约(NATO)的空袭(air strike)中被摧毁(destroy)或损坏(damage),成千上万的人丧生(kill)或受伤(injure)。
During the NATO air strike, many bridges and buildings in Belgrade were destroyed or damaged. Thousands of people were killed or injured.

Lesson 11

1。Sandy 几年前在一个医生诊所工作。但她现在在一家时装(fashion)公司工作。
Sandy worked in a doctor’s office a few years ago, but now she works in a fashion company.

2。你看到 Bill 了吗?看到了。我看到他时,他在听新闻。
- Did you see Bill?
- Yes, I did. When I saw him, he was listening to the news.

3。Tom 一般星期六待在家里。但这个星期六他要出去钓鱼(go fishing)。
Tom usually stays home on Saturday, but this Saturday he will go fishing.

4。向别人借钱千万别忘(never forget)了还。如果你忘了,就没有人相信(trust)你了。
If you borrow money from others, never forget to pay it back. Otherwise, nobody will trust you any more.

The thief was just going to run away, a policeman came in.

6。你太太打电话来的。她要你尽快(as soon as possible) 给她打个电话。她说是急事(an emergency)。
Your wife called. She wanted you to call her back as soon as possible. She said it was an emergency/

7。昨天Henry忘了带(bring sth. with sb.) 通行证(pass), 警卫不让他进办公大楼。
Yesterday, Henry forgot to bring his ID with him. The security guard refused to let him into the building.

8。Jack 要我借 三十块钱给他,我拒绝了。因为他上次向我借的钱还没还。
Jack asked me to lent him $30, but I refused because he hasn’t paid me back the money he borrowed from me last time.

Did you tell him to wait for me here?

10。我已经为你做得够多的了。你还要我做什么?(enough, what else)
I have done enough for you. What else do you want me to do?

11。如果你帮我一个忙, 我也会帮你一个忙。 (do sb. a good turn)
If you do me a favor, I will do you a favor.

12。我们轮流。现在该轮到你了。(take turns, turn)
We take turns. Now it is your turn.

Turn left at the traffic lights ahead.

Please turn to page 102.

15。请翻到反面。(turn over)
Please turn over.

16。你能否将收音机音量开小点?(turn down...)
Could you turn down the radio a little bit?

Lesson 12

Your parents will be angry if they know that you didn’t go to school today.

2。如果我 8:30 从家里出发,我能在 11:30 之前赶到那儿吗?/ 能,你有很充裕的时间。
- If I set out from home at 8:30, can I get there before 11:30?
- Yes, you can. You have plenty of time.

3。Ann 什么时候回来?她要 12:00 以后才回来。
What time will Ann be back?
She won’t be back until 12:00.

If you have any questions to ask me, I will be happy to answer them.

5。Martin 在吗?不在。他今天不上班。(be in)
Is Martin in?
No, he isn’t. He is not in today.

6。Nancy 今天生病了,现在还在床上。/ 她看医生了吗?/ 看了。/医生怎么说了?/ 医生说不严重(serious)。/ 她吃药了吗?/ 吃了。/ 但愿(hope)她很快会好起来(get better)。/ 我也希望这样。
- Nancy is sick today. She is still in bed now.
- Did she see a doctor?
- Yes, she did.
- What did the doctor say?
- The doctor said that it was not serious.
- Did she take any medicine?
- Yes, she did.
- Hope she will get better soon.
- So do I.

7。下星期四这里有个party。我想邀请你参加。你能来吗?/ 我不肯定(not sure)。但我将尽量来。
- There will be a party here next Thursday. I’d like to invite you to it. Are you coming?
- I am not sure, but I will try.

He has been away from China for nearly 10 years and he misses his parents very much. I am sure he will be very excited when he gets back to China.

He went home as soon as the meeting was over.

10。附近的索尼剧院 (Sony Theater)现在在放什么电影?
What’s on at the nearby Sony Theater?

11。我不认为你现在可以参加路试( take road test)了。你还不行。(be up to sth.)
I don’t think you are ready to take the road test. You are not up to it yet.

Lesson 13

1. 后天的这个时候我就将和我的家人一起吃晚饭了。
By this time the day after tomorrow, I will be having dinner with my family.

2. 下星期的这时候我们将躺在夏威夷(Hawaii)的海滩上了。
By this time next week, we will be lying on the beach of Hawaii.

3. 下个月的这时候你将开你自己的车了。
By this time next month, you will be driving your own car.

4. 你明天的这时候将在干什么?/ 我不能肯定。可能我将在看书或者听音乐。
- What will you be doing this time tomorrow?
- I’m not sure. Maybe I will be reading or listening to the music.

5. 明年的这时候我们很可能将在讲同一种语言了。
By this time next year, we will probably be speaking the same language.

6. 今后的四年中,他们将在一起学习,一起工作。
In the next four years, they will be studying and working together.

7. 不管(whether) 你喜欢不喜欢他,你都将和他生活在一起。
Whether you like him or not, you will be living with him.

8. 目前,她还不胜任这个工作。 (at present, be up to ...)
At present, she is not up to the job yet.

9. 一组科学家将于本月底访问我市。他们来自世界各地。(a group of..., all parts of ...) 市长将到机场去接他们。他们将在本市逗留一周。然后他们将去华盛顿参加一个会议。(attend)
A group of scientists will be visiting our city at the end of this month. They are from all parts of the world. The mayor will be meeting them at the airport. They will be staying in our city for a week. Then they will go to Washington D.C. to attend a conference.

10. 请问您要点什么?/和往常一样, 一块鱼三明治,一份水果色拉,一大杯冰镇可乐。(as usual)
- What would you like (to have)?
- As usual, a fish sandwich, a fruit salad, and a large coke.

11. 我现在的日子很难过。 (have a difficult time)
I am having a hard time now.

12. 世界闻名的流行歌手Michael Jackson 将于下周一来纽约。他将在纽约逗留四天,演出八场。按照惯例,纽约市警察又要难以维持秩序了。(have a difficult time in keeping order)。
Michael Jackson, the world famous pop singer, will come to New York next Monday. He will be staying in New York for four days, and he will be giving eight performances. As usual, the NYC police will have a difficult time in keeping order.

13. 在这个重大的场合,我有很多话要说,但又不知道从哪里开始说。(on...occasion)
On this great occasion, I have a lot to say, but I don’t know where to begin.

Lesson 14

1. 他的笑话(joke)总是非常令人开心。(amusing)
His jokes are always amusing.

2. 我们在一个小镇吃完了午饭后就继续往前开。 (drive on)
We drove on after we had dinner in a small town.

3. 在去黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park)的路上,我们看到了很多野生动物(wild animals)。
On our way to the Yellowstone National Park, we saw many wild animals.

4. 看,路边那个女孩正在向我们招手。我猜她想搭车。要不要让她搭?(ask for a lift, wave, give sb. a lift)
Look! The girl on the roadside is waving to us. I guess she is asking for a lift. Shall we give her a lift?

5. 对不起,我的车抛锚(break down)了。可以让我搭一下车吗?
Sorry, my car broke down. Can you give me a lift/ride?

6. 我们一进了车就开始发动引擎(start the engine)。 (as soon as...)
As soon as we got into the car, we started the engine.

7. 我给他写了好几封信,但他没有回复。 (reply)
I wrote him several letters, but he didn’t reply.

8. 除了这只衣箱以外,我没有任何别的行李(luggage)了。 (apart from...)
Apart from this trunk, I have no other luggage.

9. 这列火车将于今夜11:30抵达上海。(reach)
The train will reach Shanghai at 11:30 tonight.

10. 他根本就不会讲法语。(not... at all) 我也不会。我俩都不会。
He doesn’t speak French at all. Nor do I. Neither of us speak French.

11. 昨晚我回家很晚。当我到家时,我父母已经睡了。
Last night I got home very late. When I got home, my parents had already gone to bed.

Lesson 15

1。Sam 那天(the other day)告诉我他很快就要拿到绿卡了。
Sam told me the other day that he would get green card very soon.

2。Anthony 上个星期问我能否教他开车。(whether)
Anthony asked me last week whether I could teach him to drive.

3。当我见到Lisa 时,她非常担心她可能会被裁员(worry that...lay off)。她说她的两个同事已经被裁了。
When I saw Lisa, she was very worried that she would be laid off. She said two of her colleagues had been laid off.

4。当我进 Arthur 的办公室时,他正在看报。他叫我坐,但他没放开报纸抬头看我。
When I entered Arthur’s office, he was reading a newspaper. He asked me to sit down but didn’t even look up from his newspaper.

5。Gordon 问我近来生意怎么样。我告诉他生意不好,而且越来越糟。
Gordon asked me how I was doing with my business. I told him the business was bad, and it was getting worse.

6。售货员问我是否(whether)喜欢那只表。我说喜欢,可是我买不起。(afford sth.)
The sales clerk asked me whether I liked that watch. I said I liked it but I couldn’t afford it.

7。Emily 说她已经和Bob同事了好多年,但不知道Bob竟然是这样一个人。(such a ...)
Emily said she had worked with Bob for many years but never knew he was such a kind of person.

8。Jill 说她刚买了房子,买不起这么贵的一辆车。
Jill said that she had just bought a house and couldn’t afford such an expensive car.

9。我说我找Rose Jefferson, 但他们说他们公司没有这么一个人。
I said I was looking for Rose Jefferson, but they said there was no such a person in their company.

10。你们如果加班(work overtime),拿加班工资吗(extra pay)?
Do you get extra pay for working overtime?

11。我说我要一件大号的, 不是特大号的。(extra large)
I said I wanted a large size, not an extra large one.

12。请让我说完(finish), 不要打断我(interrupt)。
Please let me finish. Don’t interrupt me.

Sorry, but I have to interrupt you.

14。我告诉那个秘书我已经等了很长时间了,问他什么时候才轮到我见医生。她叫我耐心点。(sb.'s turn to do sth.)
I told that secretary that I had waited a long time and asked her when it would be my turn to see the doctor. She asked me to be patient.

Don’t be nervous. Relax.

16。Susan 总是非常腼腆。她回答老师问题时总是声音很弱小。(weak voice)
Susan is always very shy and her voice is always very weak when she answers teacher’s question.

What did he say he wanted to do?

She promise me that she would wait for me.

- How much can you afford?
- I can only afford 20 dollars per month.

Lesson 16

1。这里是禁止停车区。如果你把车停在这儿,你会吃罚单(get a ticket)的。
This is a no-parking zone. If you park your car here, you will get a parking ticket.

What should I do if I get a parking ticket?

3。如果你违反(break)交通规则(the traffic rule),纽约的交通警察决不会不给你罚单就放你走。(let sb. go without ...)
If you break the traffic rules, the New York transit police will not let you go without giving you a ticket.

4. 如果她到11:30 还不来,你们可以先走。
If she doesn’t come by 11:30, you can go without her.
If she doesn’t show up by 11:30, you can go first.

5. Helen来后告诉她我来过电话,叫她打个电话给我。
When Hellen comes, tell her that I called and ask her to call me back.

As soon as you park the car, find us on the 4th floor.

When Hurbert comes, could you pass him this note?
When Hurbert gets here, could you pass this note to him?

If you are polite to others, others won’t be rude to you.

If you don’t hurry, we will miss the 9:20 train.

I am not coming tomorrow if it rains tomorrow.
I will not come if it rains tomorrow.

If I come late tonight, tell everybody not to wait for me.

If you obey traffic rules, you won’t be nervous when you see a policeman.

13。他从来没有过说话不算数 (fail to keep one's promises)。
He never fails to keep his promises.

14。明天上午9:30我要参加(attend)一个重要会议。你能不能提醒我(关于)这件事。(remind sb. of sth.)
I am attending an important meeting at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. Could you remind me?
I have an important meeting to attend at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Could you remind me?

Lesson 17

1。尽管天气不好,Joe 还是准时到达了这里。(in spite of)
In spite of the bad weather, Joe got here on time.

2。尽管她身体(health)不好,她还是来上课了。(in spite of)
In spite of her poor health, she came to the class.

3。年轻一定感觉很好。(It must be...)
It must feel good to be young.

Santa always appears as an old man with white beard.

Tell me who you are and where you live.

I don’t care who you are. I only want to know what you want.

8。她至少有四个孩子。She has at least four children.

9。如果你明天还不交房租(rent), 我就得把你扔出去(throw sb. out)了。
If you don’t pay your rent tomorrow, I will have to throw you out.

My car broke down. so I had to take subway to work.

11。这次我放过你(let sb. go)。不过别让我再抓住你。下次我可不会放过你了。
I will let you go this time. But don’t let me catch you again. I won’t let you go next time. (Or: You won’t be so lucky next time.)

12。Helen 将参加这部新戏的演出吗?(take part ...)
Is Helen taking part in this new play?

The police arrested the suspect as soon as he appeared on the train station,

Lesson 18

- Have you had your dinner yet?
- Not yet. We usually have dinner at 7:30.

2。我们下周五晚上将开个 party, 你有时间来吗?(have)
We are having a party next Friday night. Do you have time to come?
We are having a party next Friday night. Can you find time to come?

3。你们在昨天下午的party 上玩得开心吗?(have)
Did you have a good time at yesterday afternoon’s party?

4。Pamela 昨天来看我了。我俩聊了个痛快。(have)
Pamela came to see me yesterday. We had a nice chat.

Sorry. I have to go. I have a headache.

The sock has a hole on it.

Have a good day.


He had a drink before he went to bed.

Shall we have a rest here?

Let’s take a seat and have a cup of tea.

11。当我到家时,我发现 (find) 我把雨伞忘在 (leave) 餐馆了。
When I got home, I found that I had left my umbrella at the restaurant.

12。我儿子得亲自来 (come in person) 吗?/不必了。(have to)
- Does my son have to come in person?
- No, he doesn’t. (Or: No, he needn’t.)

Who is the girl standing next to your father? / That’s me.

14。除了你和我,还有谁 (who else)去?(besides)
Besides you and me, who else is going? (Or: who else will go?)

15。Jack 和我同龄。(
Jack is as old as I. (Or: Jack and I are of the same age.)

This dictionary is as heavy as a piece of rock.

17。因为他病了,我只好不带他去了。(As..., )
As he is sick, I have to go without him.
As he is sick, I can’t go with him. (Or: I can’t take him with me.)

As we are friends, I give you a good price.

19。我们正在谈论 Jack, 他来了。
As we were talking about Jack, he came.

20。Debbie 在那个公司当了七年秘书。
Debbie worked in that company for 7 years as a secretary.
Debbie worked as a secretary in that company for 7 years.

21。这里的农民 (farmer) 种什么?(grow)
What do the farmers here grow?

22。你长大干什么?(grow up)
What are you going to do when you grow up?

23。Edward 有一份很好的工作和薪水,可他从来都没有足够的钱付帐。(pay bills)
Edward has a nice job and a good salary, but he never has enough money to pay his
bills. Or: Edward has a nice job that pays well, but he never earns enough to pay his bills.

Lesson 19

1。 我可以进来吗?请进。
- May I caome in? – Yes, please.

- May I go now?
- Sorry, you can’t go now.

3。Jill 今天可能不来了。
Jill may not come today.
Jill probably will not come today.

4。Evelyn 可能已经来了。
Evelyn may have come.

I might be wrong.

6。我们还是去看一下好。(may as well do sth.)
We may as well go and take a look.
We’d better go and take a look.

7。既然(since)你们没有更好的房间,我还是要了这个房间好。(may as well do sth.)
Since you don’t have any better rooms, I may as well take this one.

8。 Elizabeth 可能错拿了我的伞。(take mistake)
Elizabeth may have taken my umbrella by mistake.

9。真遗憾今晚的票都买光了。(pity, sold out)
It is a pity that all tickets for tonight’s show are sold out.

10。当我们急忙赶到机场时,Frank的飞机已经起飞(take off)了。(hurry to ...)
When we hurried to the airport, Frank’s plane had already taken off.

11。我可以买两张下星期四晚上 演出的票吗?
May I have two tickets for next Thursday night’s show?

12。如果有人退明晚演出的票,你能否通知我(let me know)? (return)
If anyone returns thickets for tomorrow night’s show, could you please let me know?

I’d like to have a return ticket to Tokyo.

14。既然你父母可能已经知道了这件事,你还是把一切告诉他们好。(may as well)
Since your parents may have already known about this, you may as well tell them everything.

15。这枚炸弹(bomb)随时都可能爆炸(go off)。(at any time)
The bomb may go off at any time.

Lesson 20

1。在床上看书会伤害(harm)你的眼睛。Reading in bed harms your eyes.

2。我们中国人认为吃不仅是一种乐趣(pleasure), 而且是一种文化(culture)。(not only...but also)
We Chinese believe that eating is not only a pleasure, but also a culture.

Fishing is my favorite pastime.

5。很多丈夫害怕(be afraid of ...)和妻子一起购物。
Many husbands are afraid of shopping with their wife.

I enjoy reading your poem. I spend at least half an hour on it every day.

7。我给了他忠告而没给他钱。(instead of)
I gave him advice in stead of money.

We have changed our plan. In stead of this Wednesday, we will go camping this Thursday.

9。Eric 将代替你去。(instead of) Eric will go in stead of you.

10。他们没有乘公共汽车而是步行去那儿的。(instead of)
They didn’t take bus. In stead, they walked there.

11。她没有放弃(give up), 而是继续(go on) 搜索(search)。(instead of)
She didn’t give up. In stead, she went on searching.

12。Howard 没有抱怨(complain),而是更加努力地工作。
Howard didn’t complain. In stead, he worked harder.

I am actually not interested in your story. I am only interested in being together with you.

14。我不认为她胜任这个工作。(be capable of)
I don’t think she is capable of this job.

15。戒烟不容易。(give up smoking.)
It is not easy to give up smoking.
Giving up smoking is no easy job.

16。每次(every time)我们开会,他总是坐在一个角落,一言不发。
Every time we had a meeting, he always sat in a corner, speechless.

17。坐在阅览室(reading room)不看书是浪费时间。
It is a waste of time sitting in a reading room without reading anything.

18。我得为我迟到向你道歉。(apologize for...)
I must apologize for being late.

19。我得为我没有实现自己的诺言(keep my promise)而向你道歉。(apologize for ...)
I must apologize to you for the failure in keeping my promise.
I must apologize to you for breaking my promise.

20。我的朋友们都祝贺(congratulate)我有了个新生婴儿(have a new baby)。
My friends all congratulated me on having a new-born baby.

21。感谢您光临。 Thank you for coming.

22。最后,Gloria 认识到她错了。她为自己行为粗鲁而向 Jim 道歉。(realize)
Finally, Gloria realized that she was wrong. She apologized to Jim for her own rudeness.

Lesson 21 (被动语态)

Nothing can be done before the boss gets here.

The job must be finished by the end of this month.

These empty boxes will be used in the future.

Food must be kept in refrigerator in this weather, not here.

5。这个港口(port)建于1942年。但由于某些原因当时未被使用。直到战争结束以后才被启用。(for some reason; come into use)
This port was built in 1942. But for certain reasons, it was not used until after the war..

6。那个男人肯定是被从背后(from behind)开枪打死(be shot)的。(must have been...)
The man must have been shot from behind.

7。当我意识到我这幢楼房就剩下我一个人时,我非常害怕(be scared)。(left)
Whe I realized I was the only person left in this bulding, I was very scared.

8。有人出很大一笔钱让他表演一场(give one performance),但他拒绝了。(offer)。
He was offered a large sum to give one performance, but he rejected the offer.

9。Julia 决心努力学习,赶上(catch up with)她的同学们。(be determined to do sth.)
Julie was determined to work hard at her lessons and catch up with his classmates.

10。这张字条 (note) 肯定是别人写的,不是 Helen 写的。
This note must have been written by someone else, not Helen.

Lesson 22

1。当我游览那个村庄时,我看到很多象我这么大年纪的女人练(practice)气功(Qi Gong)。(of sb.'s own age)
When I visited the village, I saw many women of my age practicing Qi Gong.

2。你有没有想过换个工作?(think) Have you ever thought of changing your job?

3。把它扔到垃圾筒(garbage bin)里去。Throw it into the garbage bin.

Hw gave me a book he wrote with is autograph on it.

5。Jack 是我的老主顾了。(regular)
Jack is one of my regular customers.

Do you call each other or write to each other more often?

This ring costs you a little more, but it looks much better.

8。你能否做给我看一下(show sb.)如何正确地使用这个词?
Could you show me how to use this word correctly?

May people dream of becoming a millionair, but only very of them cam realize their dream.

He was the first one to swim aross the English Channel.

Lesson 22

1。Margaret 连做梦都没想到会赢六合彩(Lottos)。(dream of ...)
Margaret never dreamed of winning the lotto.

2。我从未想过要向他借钱。(think of ...)
I never thought of borrowing money from him.

3。Patricia 昨天收到巴黎(Paris)一个朋友发来的传真。
Patricia received a fax from a friend in Paris.

4。我对他的谎言腻味了。(be tired of...)
I am tired of his lies.

5。Daniel 被怀疑偷他邻居的信件(mail)。(be suspected of...)
Danniel was suspected of stealing his neighbors’ mail.

6。我们应该做些什么来防止交通事故(traffic accidents)发生呢?(prevent...from happening)
What should we do to prevent traffic accidents from happening?

7。Gerald 患心脏病(heart trouble)。(suffer from ...)
Gerald suffers from heart trouble.

8。Francis 教新移民(new immigrants)英语很有谁验。(be experienced in doing sth.)
Francis is experienced in teaching new immigrants English.

9。Joan 很喜欢给孩子们讲故事。(be delighted in doing sth.)
Joan is delighted in telling children stories.

10。昨晚一个囚犯从Cincinati 监狱(prison)逃跑了。(escape from ...)
Last night, a prisoner escaped from the prison.

11。你相信上帝吗?(believe in ...)
Do you believe in God?

12。祝贺你找到了工作!(congratulations on doing sth.)
Congratulations on your finding a job!

13。火车开动(move)时别倚(lean)在门上。(lean on sth.)
Don’t lean on the doors when the train moves.

14。我全家依靠(depend on...)我。
My family depend on me.

15。我全指望你了。(count on sb.)
I entirely count on you.

16。我的学校还没决定野营 (camping) 的日期。(decide on...)
My school hasn’t decided on the date of camping.

17。医生警告病人不要抽烟。(warn sb.against ...)
The doctor warned the patient against smoking.

18。你上星期从银行取了多少钱?(draw ...from...)
How much did you withdraw from the bank?

19。我们必须把水和油分开。(separate A from B)
We must separate water from oil.

20。我从来没有听说过他。(hear ..)
I have never heard of him.

21。他浑身散发出酒(wine)味。(smell ...)
He smells of wine.

I have an important question to consult you on.

Beware of fire.

Passengers often complain about the subway’s poor service.

25。这个电影是根据一个真实的故事拍的。(be based ...)
this movie is based upon a true story.

Many people all over the world are still suffering from hunger.

27。我的老板决定在房地产(real estate)方面投资。(invest)
My boss has decided to invest on real estate.

My landlady lives on rent.

29。他信基督教(Christianity)还是佛教(Buddhism)? (believe)
Does he believe in Christianity or Buddhism?

This dam was built to prevent flood from drowning our city.

He was accused of murdering.

32。我要不要把这句话(sentence)包括到第二段(paragraph)中去? (include)
Shall I include this sentence into the second paragragh?

The workers demanded a raise of their company.

At present, over 200,000 people in this city are employed in its service industry.

35。David 终日忙于他的生意(business)。(be engaged)
David is engaged in his business all day long.

Do you think this medicine can cure him of his headache?

37。那头熊什么时候从动物园(zoo)逃跑的? (escape)
When did the bear escape from the zoo?

The police suspects him of selling drug.

39。你认为公司会批准你的申请(application)? (approve)
Do you think the company will approve of your application?

Don’t expect too much from your children.

41。Margaret 最近被卷入了一场官司(lawsuit)。(be involved)
Margaret has been involved ina law suit recently.

42。我真地对这种游戏厌烦了。(be tired)
I am really tired of this game.

43。他离婚(be divorced)后抽烟(smoking)无度。(indulge)
After he was divorced, he indulged in smoking.

44。国会(The Congress) 很快将投票表决这个议案(motion)。(vote)
The Congress will soon vote on this motion.

45。那个游乐场(Fun Park)的经理拒绝评论这次事故。(comment)
The manager of the Fun Park regused to comment on the accident.

Their opinions differ from each other.

You can only draw at most two hundred dollars each time from this ATM.
Or: The maxmum amount you can draw from this ATM each time is $200.00.

It is too noisy here. I can’t concentrate on my reading.

49。一旦(once)你得了感冒,你就很难摆脱它。(get rid...)
Once you get a cold, it is very hard to get rid of it.

You must rely on yourself, not anybody else.

51。我不想卷入这种事情中去。(get involved)
I don’t want to get involved in this kind of things.

52。Ray 坚持要和我一起去。(insist)
Ray insists on going with me.

Why was Tim dismissed from the school?

Our water is ruuning short. We must economize on water.
Or: We are running out of water. We must economize on water.

Don’t depair of success!

56。Julie 总是以自己会做菜(cook)而自鸣得意。(pride oneself ...)
Julie always prides herself on cooking.

57。史密斯教授(Professor Smith) 教一年级新生(freshmen) 历史。
Professor Smith teaches freshmen history.

Dr Wang is operating on a patient.

59。Lucy的妈妈总是在朋友们面前夸耀她的女儿。Lucy 已经听腻了她妈的夸耀。(boast)
Lucy’s mother always boasts about her daughter in front of her friends. Lucy is tired of her boast.

60。Nancy 演奏什么乐器?(perform)
What musical instrument does Nany perform on?

61。George 做事(act) 从来不听别人的忠告(advice)。
Goerge never takes otherpeople’s advice.

62。John 的父母鼓励 John 学习中文。(encourage)
John’s parents encourage John (in his efforts) to learn Chinese.

63。八年前Dennis来到美国,在这块陌生的土地(strange land)上开始了新的生活。(embark)
Eight years ago, Dennis came to America and started his new life on this strange land.

Lesson 23 (时态和情态动词)

1。我在你眼里看起来是不是怪怪的(strange)?( sb.)
Do I look strange to you.

2。Emily 昨天打电话来。她说她下个星期要来纽约。
Emily called yesterday. Shae said she is coming to New York next week.

3。谁付今天的午餐钱?/ 别担心,Bates 先生会付的。他答应他付的。
Who is paying for today’s lunch? / Don’t worry, Mr Bates will. He promised that he would.

4。我们到 Irene 的家时已经快晚上八点钟了。 Irene 已经准备好了晚饭。所有其他的客人都已经到了。
It was almost 8 o’clock when we got to Irene’s home. Irene had prepared dinner. Other guests had all arrived.

5。Linda 给我一份表格(form),叫我填写(complete)。我告诉她我已经填过一份表了。但 Linda 说那是份不同的表。她说这份表必须在这个月底之前交给(移民局(INS)。
Linda gave me a form to complete. I told her that I had completed one already. But Linda said that was a different one. She said this form must be submitted to INS by the end of this month.

6。上午有人进过这个房间。肯定是 Kathleen。因为Kathleen 是唯一有这个房间钥匙的人。/ 我不这么认为。不会是 Kathleen。因为 Kathleen 已经去 Boston 了。
Somebody was in this room this morning. It must have been Kathleen since she is the only person who has the key to this room. / I don’t think so. It can’t have been Kathleen because Kathleen has gone to Boston.

7。这是谁的车?/ 可能是 Pamela 的。/不,不会是 Pamela 的。我认识 Pamela 的车。
Whose car is this? / It may be Pamela’s. / No. It can’t be Pamela’s. I know her car.

8。有人敲门。一定是 Daniel。/ 不会是 Daniel。Daniel 告诉我他今天不会来了。/ 说不定他改变主意了。
Someone is knocking at the door. It must be Daniel. / No, it can’t be Daniel. Daniel told me that he is not coming today.

9。他要是今天不来的话,我们要不要取消这个 party? / 他会来的。他告诉我他会来的。他说他可能会晚几分钟,但他一定来。
Shall we cancel the party if he doesn’t come today? / He will come. He told me that he will. He said he may be a few minutes late, but he will come.

10。猜猜我昨天在街上见到谁了?我见到 Frances 了。/ 是吗?她什么时候来纽约的?/ 她说她已经在纽约待了快一个星期了。/ 她这次是来干什么的?/ 她说她来参加一个会。/ 她为什么不打电话给我?/ 她说她打了,但你给她的号码不对。/ 怎么会呢(How come?) 对了,现在我知道为什么了。她肯定打的我的老号码。我搬家后忘了给她我的新号码。
Guess who I saw on the street yesterday? I saw Frances. / Really? When did she come to New York? / She said she had been in New York for nearly one week. / What is she here for this time? / She said she is here for a meeting. / Why didn’t she call me? / She said she did, but the number you gave her was a wrong one. / How come? Oh. I know why. She must have dialed my old phone number. I forgot to give her my new phone number after I moved.

Lesson 24 (第1-23 课难点复习)

1。怎么了(发生了什么事)? 为什么今天你这么心烦?是什么让你这么心烦?(be upset, upset sb.)
What happened? Why are you so upset today? What upsets you so much? (Or: What makes you so upset?)

2。他听到这个消息大为烦恼。( be upset)
He was very upset when he heard the news.

3。别为这样的小事烦恼。(be upset)
Don’t be so upset about tiny things like this.

4。Albert 昨天夜里肚子不舒服(have a stomach upset)。他肯定吃了什么坏东西。
Albert had a stomach upset last night. He must have eaten something bad.

When we got home, he found that he had left his umbrella in the restaurant.

The policeman was sympathetic with us, but he could do nothing.

Everybody is complaining about this wicked world, but why don’t we do something to change it?

8。我相信他的诚实。我可以向你保证 (assure sb.) 他是个老实人。
I believe in his honesty. I can assure you that he is an honest man.

I don’t like to be interrupted while I am talking.

10. 她92年就开始学英文了,但她的英文水平还是不高,因为她的英文学习时断时续(be interrupted).
She started to learn English in 1992 but her English is still poor because her study of English was often interrupted.

His speech was frequently (Or: often) interrupted by applause.

What does this box/trunk contain?

Lesson 25

1。他不仅笨,而且懒(lazy)。(not well)
He is not only stupid, but lazy as well. (Or: … but also lazy.)

He speaks neither English nor Chinese.

3。爬(climb)了三个多小时以后,我们终于到达了山顶 (top of the mountain)。(at last)
After more than 3 hours’ climbing, we reached the top of the mountain at last.

4。有人认识去 The Bronx 动物园的路吗?
Do anybody know the way to the Bronx Zoo?

They wondered at the news.

6。我很想知道 (wonder) 他是谁,从哪里来,为什么来。
I really wonder who he is, where he is from, and why he is here.

7。中国的长城(The Great Wall) 是世界七大奇迹(wonder)之一。
China’s Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world.

8。不知你是否能帮我一个忙?(I was wondering if ...)
I was wondering if you could do me a favor.

9。怪不得(no wonder)他不饿。他已经吃过午饭了。
No wonder he is not hungry. He has had lunch already.

There is still room for one person in my car. Either one of you can go with me, but not both of you.

11。要么你,要么Jim 将被解雇 (either)。
Either you or Jim will be fired.

12。你要么把你儿子带着走(take...with...), 要么把他交给我(leave...with sb.)。(either)
You can either take your son with you or leave him with me.

He and I both speak Chinese. Neither of us speak English.

She can neither read nor write.

Lesson 26 (复习一般现在时,现在进行时)

1. 告诉我这个故事是关于什么的。
Tell me what this story is about.

Don’t pretend to understand if you don’t.

3。当他见到我时,他假装不认识我。/ 是吗?说不定他没注意到你。(pretend, notice)
He pretended not to recognize me when he saw me. / Really? maybe he didn’t notice you.

Critics always tell you what kind of articles are good articles, but few of them can write well.

5。我喜欢你就象我喜欢我妹妹一样。(in the same way that ...)
I like you in the same way that I like my younger sister.

He doesn’t really know how to appreciate modern art. He is only pretending to know.

7。对很多人来说,欣赏抽象艺术(abstract art)比欣赏现实主义艺术(realistict art)困难得多。(it is much more difficult to...than ...)
To many, it is much harder to appreciate abstract art than to appreciate realistic art.

Who hung up this p[ainting on the wall? Have you noticed that it is upside down?

The murderer was hanged last Wednesday.

Is she listening? ? Yes, she is, but she can’t hear you.

Lesson 27

Have you ever cooked a meal over an open fire?

2。我们花了二十分钟搭起了帐篷。(put up)
We spent 20 minutes putting up the tent.

3。你怎么能把我丢(leave)在这丛林当中?(in the middle of ...)
How could you leave me in the middle of the jungle?

Someone is cooking. It smells great!

I like to sit by a camp fire, listening to stories and singing songs.

Don’t forget to put out the fire before you leave.

7。工人们在街口(crossing)竖了一块牌子。(put up)
The workers put up a sign at the crossing.

8。这条小溪蜿蜒穿过我们的村庄,流入一条大河。(wind its way...)
The brook winds its way through our village and flows into a big river.

Today’s chicken smells great. It must taste great too!

10。今天天冷,你得多穿些衣服。(put on)
It is cold today. You have to put on more clothes.

11。由于下雨,球赛被推迟到下星期一上午举行。(put off sth. until...)
Due to the rain, the game has been put off until next Monday morning.

12。她丈夫的脾气(temper)太坏了,她再也(no longer)无法忍受他了。(put up with...)
Her husband has a hot temper. She can no longer put up with him.

13。把这首诗记在你的笔记本上。(put down ...)
Put down this poem in your notebook.

14。你们来纽约时我们可以让你们住在我儿子的房间里。(put sb. up)
We can put you up in my son’s room when you come to New York/

15。请把你的玩具放起来。(put ... away)
Please put away your toys.

Lesson 28 (定语从句)

The woman you just saw was my boss.

This is the watch I bought yesterday.

The person I talked with on the phone just now was the general manager of this hotel. (Or: The person who talked with me on the phone jist now was the general manager of this hotel.)

She is the woman we talke about just now.

5。你借给我的那本书下星期到期(be due)。
The book you lent to me is due next week.

May I take a look at the necklace you just bought?

He is no longer the Steve I knew 10 years ago.

8。那个设计这座桥的人下周一将来我们学校给我们做讲座(give sb. a talk)。
The person who designed this bridge will come to our school next Monday and give us a talk.

the person who called me this morning was my cousin.

The person who killed a woman in Central Park has been arrested.

The shoes that cost me one hundred and sixty dollars were spoiled by rain yesterday.

The person who called 911 didn’t tell the police who he was.

The car that hit my aunt ran away.

14。这就是那幢被北约空军(NATO air force)击中(hit)的楼房。
This is the building that was hit by the NATO air force.

Is this the same book that you gave me last year?

Lesson 29

1. 你认识一个叫 Thomas Wincent 的人吗?(called)
Do you know a person called Thomas Wincent?

2. 我去年有过一段不平凡的经历。(unusal experience)
I had an unusual experience last year.

3. 这部电梯可以乘几个人?(carry)
How many people can this elevator carry?

4. 我们上个月才开始提供这项服务。(begin a new service)
We began (to provide) this new service last month.

5. 糟糕的事是我们也不会开车。(The bad thing is that ...)
The bad thing is that we don’t drive either.

6. 奇怪的事是他们都没看到我进房间。(The strange thing is that ...)
The strange thing was that none of them saw me enter the room.

7. 他很健忘。一次,他将车钥匙锁在了车里。另一次,他邀请他的一个朋友到一家餐馆吃晚饭但却忘了带钱。(Once,....On another occasion...)
He is very forgetful. Once, he locked his car key inside his car. On another occasion, he took his friends to a restaurant for dinner but forgot to bring any money with him.

8. 肯尼迪机场非常繁忙。每分钟都看到飞机起飞和降落。(take off, land)
JFK airport is very busy. Every minute you can see planes taking off and landing every minute.

9. 她喜欢独处(to be alone), 从不感到孤单(lonely)。
She likes to be alone, but she never feels lonely.

10. 我们从来不拒绝我们的顾客提出的合理的(reasonable)要求。(refuse ... requests)
We never refuse our customers’ reasonable requests.

11. 他否认他认识那个女孩。(deny)
He denied that he knew the girl.

12. 下星期别忘了把你的家庭作业带来给我。(bring)
Don’t forget to bring me your homework next week.

13. 谁拿走了我的字典?(take)
Who took my dictionary.

14. Tom呢? 我叫他回去拿我的太阳眼镜了。(send sb. back ... fetch)
Where’s tom? I sent him back to fetch my sunglasses.

15. 你开过喷气战斗机 (jet fighter) 吗?/ 开过。我开过 F-16. 不过我现在开波音 747 (Boein 747)。我把旅客从纽约送到上海,然后再把旅客由上海送到纽约。
Have you ever flown jet fighters? / Yes, I have flown F-16, but now I am flying Boen 747. I fly passengers from New York to Shanghai, and then fly passengers from Shanghai to New York.

16. 这幢楼背后有个废弃了的停车场。
There is a deserted parking lot behind this building.

In New York City, it is illegal for cab drivers to refuse to take passengers.

18. 迄今为止,我还没有到过这么美丽的地方。
So far I haven’t been to any places so beautiful.

19. 你在这个旅馆住过吗?/ 住过。三年前我在这个旅馆住过一个星期。
Have you ever stayed in this hotel before? Yes, I have. I stayed in this hotel for a week 3 years ago.

20. 最令人吃惊的消息是他俩在婚后的第三天就离婚了。(surprising)
The most surprising news is that they divorced on the 3rd day after their wedding.

Lesson 30

1. 我们的船沿着一条横穿公园的小河顺流而下。(go down ... that...)
Our boat went down a small river that cut across the park.

2. 他和往常一样又迟到了十分钟。
As usual, he was 10 minutes late.

3. 我喜欢坐在温暖的阳光下,看看书或者报纸。
I like to sit in the warm sunshine, reading some books or newspapers.

4. 离这儿不远的地方,有些十来岁的孩子们在打篮球。
Not far away some teenagers were playing basketball.

5. 汤姆那一脚踢得很重,球径直飞向一辆路过的公共汽车。
Tom kicked the ball so hard that it went directly towards a passing bus.

6. 那天,我正骑着自行车。一只篮球砸在我的背后。砸得很重,我差点从车上摔下来。
The other day I was riding my bicycle when a basketball struck my back. It sruck me so hard that I almost fell off the bike.

7. 我听到有人笑,转身看了一下。可是看不到人。(in sight)
I heard someone laughing. So I turned and looked around, but I saw nobody.

8. 当她意识到将要发生什么事时,已经太晚了。
When she realized what was going to happen, it was too late.

9. 我大声地对河对岸的孩子们喊话,叫他们把我的球扔还给我。(call out to...)
I called out to the children on the other side of the river, and asked them to throw the ball back to me.

10. 你看到那些正在湖上划船的人吗?他们都是我在 PS144 的同学。
Can you see those people rowing on the lake? They are my classmates in PS 144.

11. 很多大城市都建在河(岸) 上。巴黎在赛纳河 (the Seine)上,伦敦在泰晤士河 (the Thames) 上。
Many big cities are built on rivers. Paris is built on the Seine. London is built on the Thames.

12. 太平洋和大西洋哪个大?
Which is bigger, the Atlantic or the Pacific?

13. 这三个山脉中哪一个在美洲?阿尔卑斯山,喜马谁雅山 还是洛基山?(the Alps, the Himalayas, the Rocky Mountains)
Which of the three mountains is in America? The Alps, the Himalayas or the Rocky Mountains?

14. 我听说你丢了一块表,是吗?/ 是的。/ 看看这块表。这是你丢的那块表吗?/ 我看看。不是。我丢的那块是 Citizen 牌的。
I heard you lost a watch. Is it true? / Yes, it is true./ Take a look at this watch. Is this the one you lost? / Let me see. No, it isn’t. The one I lost was a Citizen.

15. 为什么英国有时称为联合王国?
Why is England sometimes called the United Kingdom?

16. 我们扬帆沿红海而上 (sail up ...), 然后穿过苏伊士运河 (the Suez Canal)。
We sailed up the Red Sea and then through the Suez Canal.

17. 他就是那个乘木筏 (raft) 横渡太平洋的人。
He is the man who crossed the Atlantic on a raft.

18. 我需要一辆新车。我五年前买的那辆现在太旧了。买一辆新的 Toyota Camry 要多少钱?/ 一万八到两万。/ 太贵了。我买不起( can't afford ...)这样的车。二手车 (used car) 呢?/ 那要看车有多旧。(depend on ... )
I need a new car. The one I bought five years ago is too old now. How much does it cost to buy a new Tyota Camery? From $18,000 to $20,000. / That’s too expensive. I can’t afford such a car. How about used cars? That depends on how old the car is.

Lesson 30

When I was a child, I used to play under this big tree with other kids in the village.

2。他过去常常笑话我(laugh at sb.)。现在轮到他(It is his turn to ...)被别人笑话了。
He used to laugh at me. Now it is his turn to be laughed at by others.

Before she got married, she used to come to my home and chat with me.

Many of them used to be our customers.

5。这里过去常常有很多小吃摊 (food stand)在街两边。可现在一个也看不到了。
There used to be many food stands on the sides of the street, but now we don’t see any.

6。昨晚八点到八点半之间你在干什么?/ 我没在做什么。我在睡觉。我感冒了。
What were you doing between 8:00 and 8:30 last night? I was not doing anything. I was sleeping. I had a bad cold.

I saw you talking with a young man. Who was he? what were you talking about?

8。你离开家时你丈夫在干什么?/ 我不大记得了。对了,他在洗衣服。
What was your husband doing when you left home? / I don’t remember. Oh, yes. He was doing the laundry.

The other day, my wife and I were watching a new movie on TV when the door bell rang. My wife opened the door. It was our neighbor Mrs Wang.

10。昨天下午我在市政厅附近见到你了。你在那儿干什么?/ 我只是路过那儿。我是去唐人街。你在那儿干什么了?/ 我在等 11 路公共汽车。
I saw you near the City Hall yesterday afternoon. What were you doing there? / I was only passing there on my way to Chinatown. What were you doing there? / I was waiting for the Number 11 Bus.

11。昨晚我打电话给你,可你不在家。/ 是吗?你几点打的?/ 十点左右。/ 我那时在家。不过我在洗澡。
I called you last night, but you were not home. / You did? What time did you call? / Around 10 o’clock. / I was at home then. But I was in a shower.

12。上课时我看到你在画(draw)什么东西。你在画什么?/ 我在画我们的老师。
I saw you drawing something in the class. What were you drawing? I was drawing our teacher.

13。几分钟前我打电话给你,你的电话占线(line is busy)。你在给谁打电话?/ 我在和George 谈话。/ 谈什么?/ 没什么。只是随便聊聊 (chat)。
I called you a few minutes ago. You line was busy. Who were you talking on the phone? I was talking to George. / What were you talking about? / Nothing. We were just chatting.

14。我回家来的路上我见到奥斯丁街 (Austin Street)上有很多警察。 他们在干什么?/ 有人说克林顿下午要来。那些警察在检查安全措施 (check about the security)。
I saw many police officers on Austin Street on my way home. What were they doing there? / Someone said Bill Clinton is coming this afternoon. They were checking about the security.

When I said that everyone must attend tomorrow’s meeting, I meant everyone, including you and everyone else in this office.

16。你刚才是在和我说话吗?/ 是的。我是在和你说话。/ 对不起,我没听清楚你在说什么。/ 当然没有,因为你根本没在听。Were you talking to me just now? / Yes, I was. / Sorry, I didn’t hear what you were saying clearly. / Of course not since you were not listening at all.

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